01 873 2134 
In a recent Labour Court case Tolerance Technologies Limited and Joe Foran UD/16/50, the employer decided to make Mr. Foran redundant. Unfortunately, they did not treat him with the respect he deserved, calling him into the office at 4.55 p.m. on a Friday and informing him that he was being made redundant and that he should pack his bags. 
The Court found that even if there was a redundancy the employer’s actions in communicating with the Employee were inadequate, he was not afforded representation at the Company meeting to discuss his termination and he was not allowed to engage with the Company Board after the decision to make him redundant was reached. 
The Labour Court held that this treatment was in breach of the fair procedures any employee being made redundant was entitled to expect. Accordingly they found that the dismissal was unfair and awarded Mr. Foran substantial damages. 
Any employer thinking of making employees redundant should embark on a full consultation process and contact Mr Hugh O'Neill, Managing Partner of Marcus Lynch Solicitors by e-mail at hugh.oneill@lynchlaw.ie 
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