01 873 2134 
Do you really own your property? 
One of the biggest single problems in law and one of the greatest sources of income for solicitors is disputes over boundaries. It is amazing how many people do not know the boundaries to their property and exactly what it is they have bought, especially if they have bought a site. The only time in my practising career I saw shotguns produced was over the gatepost in a three-bedroomed semi-detached house. 
When buying a property, especially a site or new property, make sure you get a mapper to survey the site and make sure you are certain what you are buying. Tighe v Carey - a recent High Court Decision shows the difficulties that can be caused by not correctly identifying the site. We can recommend surveyors for all properties. So if you are buying a property talk to us. Read our brochure - What to do when you are buying a house. 
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