Do Not Give In Your Notice Until Job Offer Unconditional
Posted on 6th September 2017 at 17:06
In a recent case Bank of Ireland offered the plaintiff a job subject to her providing documentary confirmation of her educational qualifications. She then handed in her notice.
Unfortunately, the documentary evidence of the qualifications was different to that she had put in her CV and the bank refused to employ her. Her employer refused to take her back. She sued the bank for breach of contract and lost. The High Court held that the offer of employment was conditional and dependent upon satisfactory references and satisfactory proof of qualifications. She failed to provide same and there was no claim against them.
Rule 1. Don’t gild your CV.
Rule 2. Don’t give in your notice until the new job offer is unconditional.
If you have any employment issues please phone us at 01 8732134.
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