A Guide to Switching your Mortgage
Posted on 2nd February 2021 at 21:19
The Irish Mortgage market has never been more competitive with over 10 lending institutions competing with each other and offering potential customers cashback incentives, contributions towards legal fees and low interest rates.
New kid on the block Avant Money is now offering their Irish Customers fixed interest rates as low as 1.95%. The entry of Avant to the market brings enhanced competition that is long overdue in Ireland which currently has the 3rd highest mortgage interest rate in Europe according to the Central Bank.
So the question is, how do you start the ball rolling to switch your mortgage and what is the legal process involved? With a little patience, effort and a bit of time spent form-filling, switching your mortgage provider could save you a significant amount of money in the long-term. It takes just 2 easy steps to launch the process: -
STEP 1. Do some research online to establish what you could potentially save from a mortgage switch.
• Check out the Mortgage calculator tools on https://www.bonkers.ie/compare-mortgages/ and www.ccpx.ie.
• Contact a mortgage broker or new bank directly and set up a meeting with them.
STEP 2. Contact Marcus Lynch Solicitors and we will provide you a professional fee quotation for your switcher mortgage/re-mortgage application.
The Legal Process:
• Your title deeds for your existing mortgage will be held by your current lender in their Central securities division. Once we have your written authority we will take up your title deeds (this can take up to 4 weeks) and we will also request your redemption statement. This shows the outstanding balance on your existing mortgage.
• If you have carried out building works to the property since your acquisition of your home and the drawdown of your first mortgage we will ask you to furnish our office original Architect Opinions of Compliance/Exemption with planning/building regulations. As we will be certifying title to the new lender we must ensure that all planning documentation relating to your home is in order.
• Once we receive your new loan pack from your new lender and your title deeds from your old lender we will arrange a consultation with you to go through all matters. At this consultation we will go through the new loan offer in detail to ensure that the rates and terms of the loan offer are those which you have agreed with your new lender. Once you are satisfied with the terms and conditions we will arrange for you to sign the Loan Offer.
• The Loan Offer will include special conditions on Life Policy and Home Insurance. You will need to ensure that all relevant insurances are in place for the new mortgage.
• Finally, once all documents are with your new lender they will issue the loan funds which will enable us to pay off your old mortgage and/or release additional funds to you for renovations.
• We will then register the new mortgage and seek cancellation of your old mortgage in the Land Registry. At the end of the transaction we will send the title deeds to your new lender who will hold them as security for their charge
If you would like to save money on your mortgage repayments please contact our Conveyance Department today for expert advice about Switching Mortgages at https://www.lynchlaw.ie/contact-us/
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